Powerfully Inspirational quotes are designed to be a guide through life. When read and adhered to properly, their contents can often propel us to a better understanding of life and lead us to ultimate success. We have curated and assembled some powerful quotes in this post and have also gone ahead to give the context, in our opinion, of each.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
– Albert Einstein

Context: We typically only get better by seeking and asking questions. Having probing thoughts and trying to understand. We have the benefit of yesterday and should endeavor to learn and analyze events from our past, it can only help us to be better prepared.
Everyday is like a new beginning, start your day with a lot of positivity and conquer any obstacles that you may encounter. There is another wise saying that goes thus, “as long as there is life, there is hope”. Towing the same line, do not faulter because “as long as there is tomorrow, there is hope.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
– Albert Einstein

Context: Often times in life and in almost all endeavors of life, mistakes are made but that should never deter you from trying. The key is practice and preparation, research and put in your best effort.
Although there may still be mistakes, with adequate preparation, the magnitude of the negative impact of any mistake will be greatly reduced. Do not let the fear of making a mistake prevent you from trying or acting.
Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.
– Eleanor Roosevelt

Context: This quote is similar to the quote above but it really focuses on the things you can do to minimize the negative magnitude of any mistakes that you may make or eliminate it entirely.
By preparation, researching and learning from the mistakes of other people, you can effectively avoid making or repeating the same mistake.
Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it.
– Harper Lee

Context: This quote is simple yet packs a lot of realistic punch. It goes to the heart of what happens a lot in life, most people will receive advice but opt not to heed to it and then err.
Whereas, a handful of people, whom this quote is referring to as wise, will receive the same advice and act on it, thus, ultimately profiting from it. It often takes time to see results, but once you start acting on sound advice, do not fret or worry because in the end, if you keep the cause, you will reap the rewards.
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Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.
– Aristotle

Context: This quote is simply referring to the fact that you are more than likely going to achieve a perfect or near perfect result in your work if the process of doing that work gives you pleasure. Without a doubt, it is a lot easier to perform a job or carry out a task if you are passionate about it or enjoy it.
Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.
– Robin Sharma

Context: Change as they popularly say is constant, put another way, one of the only things in life that is constant is change. However, in reality, change can be uncomfortable, and its prospect can be scary but at the end, change will always happen. Therefore, understanding the stages of change can help you better deal with its reality, thereof.
It always seems impossible until it is done.
– Nelson Mandela

Context: To help understand the above quote, we will call on another wise saying that goes thus “impossible is nothing”. It serves to remind us that our mindset and perseverance usually goes a long way towards assisting us to achieve our goals.
Though the task or goal at hand may initially seem daunting, once you set your mind to it, you will realize that it is not impossible to achieve.
The less men think, the more they talk.
– Montesquieu

Context: In the world of quotes, there are many quotes that share a meaning between other quotes. “Silence is golden”, is one of such quotes that is similar in meaning to the above quote.
Here, a man who talks a lot is most likely not able to practice the tested process of pausing, thinking before talking. Usually, in their haste to talk, they do not think critically and their words, though voluminous are usually quite shallow.
Discover what you love to do the most and strengthen it.
– Steven Cuoco

Context: In real life, hardly are we able to be Jack of trades and master of all, at the same time. In fact, it is more correct to say that someone who tries to be a Jack of all trades, will end up being a master of none.
Therefore, if you aim to be an expert in something, find out what you are passionate about and strengthen it. You can very well take up other passions, after ensuring that you have already mastered the ones you have taken up.
Instead of blaming the darkness, light a candle.

Context: Life as we all know it is practically filled with ups and downs, peaks and valleys. This quote serves to motivate anyone who may currently be facing the downs or valleys of life to not quit or throw in the towel but to continue to strive for better.
It is easy to start complaining and gravitate towards giving up when faced or saddled with one of life’s many obstacles. Please, do not give up, instead take heed to this quote’s intent, light a candle and keep pushing, there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel.
If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.

Context: Just like the quote above, this particular quote serves to encourage and motivate all and sundry. There is usually a lot of pre-work and work that needs to be done before you earn the rewards. In other words, you usually must make sacrifices to achieve and attain what you want, otherwise, you will forgo it at the end.