50 Beautiful Baby Names That With The Letter (C)


Below is a list of 50 baby names starting with the letter “C”, along with their meanings, fun facts, etymology, and suggested nicknames:

1. Caleb

  • Meaning: “Faithful” or “Whole-hearted”
  • Fun Fact: Caleb is a biblical name known for its courage and loyalty.
  • Etymology: Hebrew origin, from “kāleḇ”.
  • Nicknames: Cal, Cale

2. Cameron

  • Meaning: “Crooked nose”
  • Fun Fact: Cameron is a Scottish surname turned popular given name.
  • Etymology: Scottish Gaelic “cam” (crooked) and “sròn” (nose).
  • Nicknames: Cam, Ron

3. Carina

  • Meaning: “Beloved” or “Friend”
  • Fun Fact: Carina is a name with Latin and Italian origins, symbolizing affection.
  • Etymology: Latin “carus” (dear).
  • Nicknames: Cara, Rina

4. Carlisle

  • Meaning: “From the walled city”
  • Fun Fact: Carlisle is an English place name turned into a unique given name.
  • Etymology: Old English “carl” (man) and “sceaga” (wooded area).
  • Nicknames: Carl, Lisle

5. Cassandra

  • Meaning: “Shining upon men”
  • Fun Fact: Cassandra is a name from Greek mythology, known for prophetic powers.
  • Etymology: Greek “kassandrā”.
  • Nicknames: Cass, Cassie
Baby Names That Start With The Letter C

6. Cassian

  • Meaning: “Empty, vain”
  • Fun Fact: Cassian is a Roman name associated with several saints.
  • Etymology: Latin “cassus” (empty).
  • Nicknames: Cass, Ian

7. Cassius

  • Meaning: “Vain” or “Empty”
  • Fun Fact: Cassius is a Roman family name, borne by several notable figures.
  • Etymology: Latin “cassus” (empty).
  • Nicknames: Cass, Cash

8. Celeste

  • Meaning: “Heavenly”
  • Fun Fact: Celeste is a name with French and Latin origins, evoking the celestial.
  • Etymology: Latin “caelestis” (heavenly).
  • Nicknames: Cel, Essie

9. Celia

  • Meaning: “Heavenly”
  • Fun Fact: Celia is a name of Latin origin, derived from “caelum” (heaven).
  • Etymology: Latin “caelum”.
  • Nicknames: Cel, Lia

10. Charlotte

  • Meaning: “Free man”
  • Fun Fact: Charlotte is a feminine form of Charles and has royal connotations.
  • Etymology: French feminine diminutive of Charles.
  • Nicknames: Charlie, Lottie

11. Chantal

  • Meaning: “Stone”
  • Fun Fact: Chantal is a French name, originally referring to a rocky place.
  • Etymology: Old French “chantel”.
  • Nicknames: Chan, Tal
Baby Names That Start With The Letter C 3

12. Chandler

  • Meaning: “Candle maker”
  • Fun Fact: Chandler is an occupational surname that has become a first name.
  • Etymology: Old French “chandelier”.
  • Nicknames: Chan, Andy

13. Channing

  • Meaning: “Young wolf”
  • Fun Fact: Channing is an English surname that has become a popular given name.
  • Etymology: Old French “chien” (dog).
  • Nicknames: Chan, Channy

14. Charlotte

  • Meaning: “Free man”
  • Fun Fact: Charlotte is a feminine form of Charles and has royal connotations.
  • Etymology: French feminine diminutive of Charles.
  • Nicknames: Charlie, Lottie
Baby Names That Start With The Letter C 1

15. Chester

  • Meaning: “Camp” or “Fortress”
  • Fun Fact: Chester is an English place name and surname, often associated with strength.
  • Etymology: Latin “castra” (camp, fortress).
  • Nicknames: Chess, Chet

16. Clementine

  • Meaning: “Mild” or “Merciful”
  • Fun Fact: Clementine is a name of Latin origin, associated with kindness.
  • Etymology: Latin “clemens”.
  • Nicknames: Clem, Em

17. Clifton

  • Meaning: “From the town near the cliff”
  • Fun Fact: Clifton is an English surname turned given name.
  • Etymology: Old English “clif” (cliff) and “tūn” (town).
  • Nicknames: Cliff, Tony

18. Colin

  • Meaning: “Victory of the people”
  • Fun Fact: Colin is a name with Scottish and Irish roots, denoting victory.
  • Etymology: Scottish Gaelic “cailean” (young pup).
  • Nicknames: Cole, Linnie

19. Colton

  • Meaning: “Coal town”
  • Fun Fact: Colton is an English surname indicating a coal mining area.
  • Etymology: Old English “col” (coal) and “tūn” (settlement).
  • Nicknames: Colt, Cole

20. Conrad

  • Meaning: “Brave counsel”
  • Fun Fact: Conrad is a Germanic name associated with bravery and counsel.
  • Etymology: Old Germanic “kuoni” (bold, brave) and “rat” (counsel).
  • Nicknames: Con, Rad

21. Cora

  • Meaning: “Maiden”
  • Fun Fact: Cora is a name with Greek origins, often associated with purity.
  • Etymology: Greek “kore” (maiden).
  • Nicknames: Cori, Rae

22. Cordelia

  • Meaning: “Daughter of the sea”
  • Fun Fact: Cordelia is a name with Celtic origins, popularized by Shakespeare.
  • Etymology: Celtic “cor” (daughter) and “dēlia” (sea).
  • Nicknames: Cordy, Delia

23. Corey

  • Meaning: “Hollow”
  • Fun Fact: Corey is a name with Irish and Gaelic roots, referring to a hollow place.
  • Etymology: Irish Gaelic “coire” (cauldron, hollow).
  • Nicknames: Cor, Rey

24. Cornelia

  • Meaning: “Horn”
  • Fun Fact: Cornelia is a name of Latin origin, associated with strength and leadership.
  • Etymology: Latin “cornu” (horn).
  • Nicknames: Corn, Nell

25. Corinne

  • Meaning: “Maiden”
  • Fun Fact: Corinne is a French name that has literary and artistic associations.
  • Etymology: Greek “kore” (maiden).
  • Nicknames: Cory, Rinnie
Baby Names That Start With The Letter C 4

26. Cormac

  • Meaning: “Son of defilement”
  • Fun Fact: Cormac is an ancient Irish name with mythological roots.
  • Etymology: Irish Gaelic “corb” (defilement).
  • Nicknames: Cory, Mac

27. Crosby

  • Meaning: “At the cross”
  • Fun Fact: Crosby is an English surname indicating a location near a crossroads.
  • Etymology: Old Norse “kross” (cross) and “býr” (settlement).
  • Nicknames: Cros, Bee

28. Crystal

  • Meaning: “Ice or clear”
  • Fun Fact: Crystal is a name derived from the English word for a clear gemstone.
  • Etymology: English word name.
  • Nicknames: Cris, Crys

29. Cullen

  • Meaning: “Holly tree”
  • Fun Fact: Cullen is an Irish surname with ties to nature.
  • Etymology: Irish “cuileann” (holly).
  • Nicknames: Cul, Len

30. Curtis

  • Meaning: “Courteous” or “Polite”
  • Fun Fact: Curtis is an English name with Norman French origins.
  • Etymology: Old French “curteis”.
  • Nicknames: Curt, C.J.

31. Cyra

  • Meaning: “Throne”
  • Fun Fact: Cyra is a name of Persian origin with regal implications.
  • Etymology: Persian “sīr” (throne).
  • Nicknames: Cy, Cee

32. Cyril

  • Meaning: “Lordly” or “Masterful”
  • Fun Fact: Cyril is a name of Greek origin associated with saints and scholars.
  • Etymology: Greek “kūros” (lord).
  • Nicknames: Cy, Cee

33. Cyrus

  • Meaning: “Sun” or “Lord”
  • Fun Fact: Cyrus is an ancient Persian name associated with several kings of Persia.
  • Etymology: Persian origin, from “Kūruš”.
  • Nicknames: Cy, Russ

34. Calvin

  • Meaning: “Bald”
  • Fun Fact: Calvin is a name with Latin and French origins, known for theologian John Calvin.
  • Etymology: Latin “calvus” (bald).
  • Nicknames: Cal, Vin

35. Carmen

  • Meaning: “Song” or “Garden”
  • Fun Fact: Carmen is a name with Spanish and Latin roots, popularized by the opera “Carmen”.
  • Etymology: Latin origin, from “carmen” (song).
  • Nicknames: Car, Mena

36. Caroline

  • Meaning: “Free man”
  • Fun Fact: Caroline is a feminine form of Charles and has royal connotations.
  • Etymology: French feminine diminutive of Charles.
  • Nicknames: Carrie, Caro

37. Casey

  • Meaning: “Alert, watchful”
  • Fun Fact: Casey is an Irish surname that has become a popular unisex given name.
  • Etymology: Irish “cathasaigh”.
  • Nicknames: Case, C.C.

38. Cash

  • Meaning: “Maker of chests”
  • Fun Fact: Cash is an English surname turned into a modern given name.
  • Etymology: Old French “chacier”.
  • Nicknames: None

39. Cedric

  • Meaning: “Kindly and loved”
  • Fun Fact: Cedric is a name invented by Sir Walter Scott for his novel “Ivanhoe”.
  • Etymology: Possibly derived from Old English “cēd” (war) and “rīc” (power).
  • Nicknames: Ced, Rick

40. Chad

  • Meaning: “Warrior”
  • Fun Fact: Chad is an Anglo-Saxon name associated with strength and battle.
  • Etymology: Old English “ceadd”.
  • Nicknames: None

41. Chance

  • Meaning: “Good fortune” or “Luck”
  • Fun Fact: Chance is a name that reflects luck or unexpected opportunity.
  • Etymology: Middle English “chaunce”.
  • Nicknames: Chan, Chancy

42. Channing

  • Meaning: “Young wolf”
  • Fun Fact: Channing is an English surname that has become a popular given name.
  • Etymology: Old French “chien” (dog).
  • Nicknames: Chan, Channy

43. Charity

  • Meaning: “Kindness” or “Love”
  • Fun Fact: Charity is a virtue name, reflecting generosity and compassion.
  • Etymology: Old French “charité”.
  • Nicknames: Char, Cher

44. Chase

  • Meaning: “Huntsman”
  • Fun Fact: Chase is an English occupational surname turned into a modern given name.
  • Etymology: Old French “chacier”.
  • Nicknames: None

45. Cheyenne

  • Meaning: “Unintelligible speakers”
  • Fun Fact: Cheyenne is a Native American tribe name turned into a modern given name.
  • Etymology: Algonquian “šahii” (red).
  • Nicknames: Chey, Anne

46. Chiara

  • Meaning: “Bright” or “Clear”
  • Fun Fact: Chiara is an Italian name associated with clarity and brightness.
  • Etymology: Italian “chiaro”.
  • Nicknames: Chi, Clara

47. Christian

  • Meaning: “Follower of Christ”
  • Fun Fact: Christian is a widely used name in many cultures, reflecting religious devotion.
  • Etymology: Latin origin, from “Christianus”.
  • Nicknames: Chris, Kit, Ian

48. Christina

  • Meaning: “Christian”
  • Fun Fact: Christina is a name that has been widely used in Christian communities.
  • Etymology: Latin origin, from “Christianus”.
  • Nicknames: Chris, Tina, Christie

49. Clara

  • Meaning: “Bright” or “Clear”
  • Fun Fact: Clara is a name with Latin origins, symbolizing clarity and intelligence.
  • Etymology: Latin “clārus”.
  • Nicknames: Clare, Clary

50. Clarissa

  • Meaning: “Bright” or “Clear”
  • Fun Fact: Clarissa is a name derived from Clara, emphasizing clarity and brilliance.
  • Etymology: Latin “clārus”.
  • Nicknames: Claire, Rissa